Grands rendez-vous

“Common goods for a new era”: interview with Dominique Bourg and Sophie Swaton

We have but a decade to ensure that the Earth's habitability for all forms of life is maintained. A new civilisation must be built, centred on a real economy at the service of "common goods".

A passionate discussion between two leading researchers, who together published the manifesto "Retour sur terre, 35 propositions" (P.U.F, 2020) and who defend economic measures capable of reconciling the reduction of the "destructive potential" of our activities with an improvement in well-being and social justice.

© Photo Benoit Prieu

SuisseMouvements citoyensEnvironnementMouv. citoyens

Sunday 7 March


En ligne

The conversation will be held in French only.

Co-presented with the Zoein Foundation and APRÈS


Dominique Bourg Professor in Geography and Durability, University of Lausanne

Sophie Swaton Philosopher, economist, Lausanne University

Moderated by

Antonin Calderon Socio-economist, APRÈS