The FIFDH goes on tour with foraus in Switzerland!

Discover the programme of the tour!
Wednesday 19/10/22, 20:15, theStage, St.Gallen
After a revolution
by Giovanni Buccomino
How does one rebuild a country once it has been devastated? Shot over six years, this profound film depicts a brother and sister torn apart by history: he fought for Gaddafi, she for the rebels. She runs for office, raises her children and travels to Switzerland to participate in peace processes while her brother stares into the distance, struggling with his own traumatic memories. But under the skin, their anger and ghosts coalesce.
Thursday 27/10/22, 19:00, University of Zurich
The last shelter
by Ousmane Zoromé Samassekou
In Gao, Mali, the Maison du Migrant offers a refuge to those attempting to reach Europe... or on their way back, with only their broken dreams as luggage. Intimate stories intertwine, from the meeting of two teenage girls and a woman with no memory. Malian filmmaker Ousmane Zoromé Samassékou has created a vibrant piece of cinematic poetry about exile and its ghosts, which has won numerous international awards.
Tuesday 8/11/22, 19:00, University of Lucerne
Angels of Sinjar
by Hanna Polak
Oscar-nominated filmmaker Hanna Polak takes her camera to Sinjar in northern Iraq, deep in the territory where the Islamic State attempted to wipe out the Yazidi people. She gives voice to Hanifa, who is trying to free her sisters, or to Saeed, Nadia Murad's brother. Both have decided to stay to try to free their loved ones and seek justice. Through their testimonies, we witness all the horror of a forgotten genocide, the ordeal of a people who are denied all their rights, as well as their strength and courage.
Tuesday 15/11/22, 18:30, University of Lausanne
Coded Bias
by Shalini Kantayya
How does artificial intelligence encroach on our freedoms? What sexist and racist biases does it internalise? And how should we respond to these attacks? Selected at the Sundance Festival, this hard-hitting investigation gives the floor to women at the cutting edge of science: researchers, data scientists and futurists, all of them turned activists in favour of better regulation of AI, one of the major challenges of the 21st century.
Thursday 24/11/22, 19:00, University of Bern
Tout commence
by Frédéric Choffat
"The temperature rose. The birds fell silent. The children demonstrated. And suddenly the whole world stopped. The sky turned blue again." Based on interviews with his two teenage and activist children, Frédéric Choffat offers an intimate reflection on a Swiss youth caught between a climate crisis and a pandemic, but who continue to believe and despite it all stay active. Can we still imagine a world that will inspire our dreams?