Screenings in hospitals or prisons, events in collective accommodation for migrants, solidary tickets: the FIFDH transforms cinema into an educational, therapeutic and integrational tool.

A unique cultural laboratory
Motivated by the fact that many people still have limited or even non-existent access to cultural events, and convinced as we are that cinema can and must reach the widest audience, we decided to expand the FIFDH and break down barriers: the geographical frontiers, by having the Festival spread to 80 venues across the Canton, but also the social, cultural and mobility obstacles. So each year, we screen films and create dedicated workshops across Geneva, in homes for migrants, detention centres, hospitals, neighbourhood centres and shelters.
Unequivocally: cinema includes, expresses and brings together, thus creating bridges between different circles and territories.
Our objectives:
- Discover human rights movies
- Improve public speaking skills
- Sharing each other’s culture and experience
- Breaking isolation
- Fostering integration
- Acquiring new skills
- Encouraging harmonious co-existence
What we do
Screenings and encounters
Screenings followed by discussions in collective accommodation centres for migrants, in hospitals and in collaboration with the senior citizens clubs.
Three workshops sessions and jury duty
Detainees or hospitalized young people form juries and watch several films in the presence of the directors or protagonists. They award prizes to the best films.
Wednesday cinema
This session of the Festival is dedicated in priority to social assistance beneficiaries and to the staff of the Hospice General, enabling exchanges between the beneficiaries and professionals of social action.
Solidary tickets
More than a hundred tickets for Festival screenings are bought by partners and made available to people living in situations of precarity via local associations.
The Festival integrates young people residing in collective accommodation centres into its team of volunteers. They are supervised by other volunteers and discover the Festival from the inside.
Our programmes for all types of audience
Each programme is specially designed for a specific audience:
As a public space, the hospital hosts culture as well as other basic services. Presentations and screenings are organised in various departments of the University Hospitals of Geneva (Hôpital Beau Séjour, Hôpital de psychiatrie de Belle-Idée, Centre Otium).
Screenings and encounters are held for patients who have suffered serious accidents and require rehabilitation treatments, in psychiatry and in the support areas for cancer patients and their families.
A different perspective is taken on oneself and the disease by encouraging exchanges with all the people present during the screenings. These screenings are entirely free and open to all: patients, nursing staff, carers and families, but also to the general public.
This pedagogical workshop is meant for the young people of the Day Hospital (HUG), which takes in minors suffering from psychological difficulties but living at home or in a residence, those of the Malatavie Crisis Unit, as well as from the Salève Unit of HUG.
The participants form a jury, watch several films in the presence of the directors, protagonists or experts, and then award the Artopie Prize to the best film. The prize is announced during the closing ceremony.
By speaking in public, expressing their point of view in the form of debates and confronting others, these young juries regain confidence in their capabilities and social interactions.
These workshops are reserved for the participants of the respective units and their accompanying care teams.
In association with Regards Neufs (association in favour of the access to cinematographic culture for the visually or hearing impaired), the FIFDH offers a cinema experience in audio-description for the blind and visually impaired, and with subtitles for the deaf and hearing-impaired, followed by a discussion translated into sign language.
These sessions help to render the FIFDH more accessible to people suffering from a visual or hearing disability and to mix audiences by encouraging encounters.
In collaboration with the Geneva’s Detention Office, men and women deprived of their liberty in the establishments of La Brenaz, Champ-Dollon and minors at La Clairière fully participate in the festival's editions. They form a jury and attend screenings in the institutions in the presence of guests and award a prize for the best film, which will be announced at the closing ceremony.
This programme is designed as a pedagogical workshop that emphasizes analytical, listening and public speaking skills. The programme is reserved for participants and staff of the Geneva Detention Office.
In partnership with all the collective accommodation centres for migrants in Greater Geneva, the FIFDH organises screenings and events within the facilities that can host the public.
In the event that certain centres do not have a suitable location for a screening, transport is organised to the main festival site or to other screening venues.
These initiatives allow the accommodation centres to become full-fledged actors of local life, creating links between migrant people and the local population on the occasion of a cultural and convivial event.
The FIFDH has set up a system of solidary tickets. More than a hundred tickets are bought by our partners and made available to people in situations of precarity via local associations.
The Festival also collaborates with the Hospice Général’s Social Action Centre and organises an annual screening reserved for social assistance beneficiaries and the employees of the General Hospice. These sessions enable real exchanges between the beneficiaries and social action professionals.
Our cultural actions are organised with the support of: