Famine in the Horn of Africa: a boon for terrorist groups?

In the countries of the Horn of Africa, populations are experiencing unprecedented food insecurity as a result of recurrent droughts. While global warming is the primary cause of the famine, conflicts and the presence of terrorist groups reinforce the food crisis in the region. These terrorist groups take advantage of humanitarian aid to make financial profits, for example, in Somalia, the Al-Chabab group gains legitimacy by distributing food to the population. Are terrorist groups using the food crisis to their own advantage? What are the links between terrorism and food insecurity?
Wednesday 15 March
Espace Pitoëff - Café Babel
free entrance
Free admission
A round table proposed by Arianna Corda and Yann Friberg, students of the Project Management course, Global Studies Institute. In partnership with the University of Geneva
Patrick Belinga Doctoral student in political science at the University of Geneva
Rémi Baudoui Political scientist, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva
Frédéric Esposito Professor, Director of the Bachelor in International Relations, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva
Moderated by
Arianna Corda Student at the GSI – UNIGE, organizer of the round table "Famine in the Horn of Africa: a boon for terrorist groups?"
Yann Friberg Student at the GSI – UNIGE, organizer of the round table "Famine in the Horn of Africa: a boon for terrorist groups?"