Plundering private data under the pretext of security
In July 2021, the scandal of the Israeli surveillance software Pegasus broke. It revealed an out-of-control global spying system used by more than 65 States, under the pretext of fighting terrorism and crime. The first victims were civil society, human rights defenders, journalists and political figures. Direct violations of the right to privacy outside any judicial control were exposed, indirect violations leading to self-censorship of those monitored were documented. Although the Pegasus software has been exposed, the problem remains: despite legal action against the manufacturer of this spyware, impunity remains. No regulations have been put in place to limit and control the production and use of such software. Is there any way to fight against this kind of institutionalised systematic surveillance? Do governments really want to do so?
Wednesday 15 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
sold out - in case of cancellation, tickets will be put back on sale before the screening
Followed by the debate "Plundering private data under the pretext of security"
In partnership with ARTE
Txell Bonet Journalist and catalan activist, wife of Jordi Cuixart, ex-political prisoner, and victim of the Pegasus software
Laurent Richard Journalist, documentary producer and Director of the Forbidden Stories consortium
André Duvillard Former delegate to the National Security Network, expert in security policy
Donncha Ò Cearbhaill Head of research and strategy at Amnesty International’s Security Lab
Moderated by
Mehdi Atmani Investigative journalist on digital issues
To go further
This debat is preceded by the movie:
Pegasus, un espion dans votre poche
By Anne Poiret

In July 2021, the scandal breaks over the Israeli surveillance software Pegasus. The international media consortium coordinated by Forbidden Stories reveals an out-of-control global spying system used by more than 65 countries on the telephones of thousands of journalists, lawyers, human rights activists, heads of State, and political opponents around the world. By interviewing the various actors, Anne Poiret's "Project Pegasus, un espion dans votre poche" retraces the months leading up to the revelation of the investigation and highlights the authoritarian excesses of States as well as the violations and repercussions on the private lives of individuals.
Section Competition - Focus
Original language(s) French, English, Spanish, Hebrew, Azari, Chinese (Traditional), German, Polish & Hungarian
Subtitle(s) French & English
Droit internationalTechnologies
- Director(s)
- Anne Poiret
World sales
- Mediawan Rights
- Forbidden Films
- Olivier Adelen
- David Laasalle
- Mathieu Goasguen
- Duration
- 93'
- Year
- 2023
- Production country
- France, United States & United Kingdom
- Status
- World Premiere