Lettres ouvertes
By Katharine Dominicé

From 1931 to 2002, Switzerland issued some six million seasonal residence permits, known as "A" permits, to immigrant workers. This status carried drastic rules. The workers were not allowed to bring their families, and their stay in Switzerland was limited to nine months per year.
In a series of open letters, former seasonal workers and their children tell of the impact this system had on their lives. It remains tangible and its disclosure questions the apparent indifference of the Swiss towards these human beings who were destined to build their country while at the same time remaining invisible.
Section Competition - Focus
Original language(s) Albanian, French & Portuguese
Subtitle(s) English & French
- Director(s)
- Katharine Dominicé
Texts and narration
- Antoine Jaccoud
- Earthling Productions
- Gena John and The Kids
- Damien Molineaux
- David Reyes
- Mathilda Angullo
- Bruce Wuilloud
- Jorge Pedro Cabanelas Pereira
- Sandrane Ducimetière
- Daniel Gibel
- Duration
- 61'
- Year
- 2023
- Production country
- Switzerland
- Status
- World Premiere
Sunday 12 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
sold out - in case of cancellation, tickets will be put back on sale before the screening
In presence of the filmmaker and the protagonists of the film
Friday 17 March
HUG – Auditoire Marcel Jenny
free entrance
In presence of the filmmaker
Friday 17 March
CHUV – Auditoire Auguste Tissot
free entrance
Friday 17 March
Grütli - Salle Simon
sold out - in case of cancellation, tickets will be put back on sale before the screening