
PERFORMANCE EXHIBITION | Kids Guernica | Opening

In the framework of the international art project Kids Guernica, the FIFDH opens the borders of arts and generations by associating with the association Rivages. Inspired by the famous painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso, young migrants, supervised by the artist François Burland, will represent their ideas of peace. This work will be produced throughout the Festival, with the support of AMIC, an intercultural outreach association founded by refugees for refugees, whose mission is to build cultural bridges and promote integration through intercultural mediation.

Art & EngagementYouthMigration

Thursday 16 March


Espace Pitoëff - Café Babel

free entrance

Free admission

In partnership with the Rivages Association and Kids’Guernica international, Canton de Genève, Département de l’Instruction Publique, Association NIRIUK, Association AMIC and galerie Espace51