Archives - Program 2020


The Voice of the Voiceless: when it’s showtime

When voices expose suffering, they all too often fall on deaf ears. Should we rely on celebrity spokespersons, with the risk of overshadowing the victims?

The use of celebrities to raise the visibility and media profile of a humanitarian crisis has become common practice among major international organizations. By engaging the services of the rich and famous, the United Nations aims to give exposure, a face and a voice to causes that otherwise escape the political agenda and international public debate. But what authority do stars have to address the Security Council after only being on the ground for a photo op? Can we accept this appropriation of the voice of the victims, who live through humanitarian crises and wars on a daily basis? If it is easy to listen to someone who speaks out on behalf of victims who have been silenced, it is also time to question this invisibility.  
Lost & Found and What They Took With Them are two short films produced by the Office of the High Commissioner for refugees illustrating how we can reveal or suppress the calls of the voiceless.

Humanitarian WorkMigrations

Wednesday 11 March


Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle

Co-presented with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Martin Ennals Foundation


Pietro Mona Ambassador for Development, Forced Displacement and Migration (DFA)


Jeff Crisp Researcher at the Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, former Head of Policy development and evaluation at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Melissa Fleming Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at United Nations.

Alaa Salah Ali Taha Activist, symbol of the Sudanese Revolution

Abdul Aziz Muhamat Refugees advocate and 2019 Martin Ennals Prize winner.

Moderated by

Catherine-Lune Grayson Policy Advisor, ICRC

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Film thématique

Lost and Found

By Orlando Von Einsiedel

Lost And Found, directed by Academy Award winner Orlando von Einsiedel (The White Helmets, Virunga), tells the story of Kamal Hossain, a Rohingya refugee who has dedicated his life to reuniting children with their parents.

  • Section Thematic film


Orlando Von Einsiedel


  • Harri Grace
  • Dan Lin
  • Mark Bauch


  • Marcus Cammack