Archives - Program 2020
About Délit de solidarité: the grey areas of humanitarian Switzerland

In Switzerland, 900 people are convicted every year for giving assistance to an irregular migrant. Offering a meal or shelter to individuals in distress is illegal, and since the revision of the Law on Foreigners in 2008, our country is among those that punish these acts most severely. Filmed in Switzerland, Briançon and The Mediterranean, this Temps Présent, presented as a world premiere, proposes an acute investigation into the notion of "crime of solidarity" and gives voice to those who have given assistance, including Norbert Valley, a pastor from Neuchâtel and the retired Anni Lanz, a 74 years old living in Basel. A striking portrait of the legal contradictions of our democracy, which derogates from basic human rights according to Amnesty International.
Free access
Reservation at La Comédie: +41 22 320 50 01 / or on
Humanitarian WorkSwitzerlandMigrations
Tuesday 10 March
Co-presented with the RTS, in collaboration with La Comédie de Genève
Pietro Boschetti Journalist, Temps Présent (RTS)
Frank Preiswerk Filmmaker, Temps Présent (RTS)
Manon Schick Director of the Swiss Section of Amnesty International
Anni Lanz Activist and film's protagonist
Norbert Valley Pastor and film's protagonist
Moderated by
Elisabeth Logean Journalist, assistant editor-in-chief Actu TV, RTS
This debat is preceded by the movie:
Délit de solidarité
By Frank Preiswerk & Pietro Boschetti

In Switzerland, the land of humanitarian action, hundreds of people are sentenced every year for having offered a meal, a drink, or a room to sleep in to people in deep distress: our country is among those that most severely punishes these acts. Filmed in Switzerland, in Briançon and around the Mediterranean, this RTS documentary, which will have its world premiere at the FIFDH, presents an uncompromising and moving investigation into the very contemporary notion of the "crime of solidarity", notably by giving the floor to Swiss people who have provided assistance, including the pastor from Neuchâtel, Norbert Valley, and the 72-year-old retired Basel resident Anni Lanz.
A RTS film
Section Competition - Grand reportage
- Director(s)
- Frank Preiswerk & Pietro Boschetti
- Temps Présent
Rights holder
- RTS - Radio télévision suisse romande
- Duration
- 52'
- Year
- 2020
- Production country
- Morocco