Launch of the #JeSuisNoires global campaign

At the height of the 2020 #BlackLivesMatter movement, Swiss-Congolese journalist Rachel M'Bon went in search of her black identity by interviewing other Swiss women of colour. All of them struggle to break free from confining stereotypes and try to make their dual Swiss and black identities coexist. The resulting documentary Je Suis Noires (Rachel M’Bon, Juliana Fanjul, Switzerland 2022) gives a voice to black Swiss women and denounces the systemic racism they face.
After a 12-month Swiss tour to raise national awareness, Rachel is ready to launch a global campaign to bring together black women from around Europe and coordinate strategies against social inequalities.
Rachel M'Bon Co-director of the film Je suis noires and journalist,
Charlotte Ducos Consultant Documentary & Marketing Strategies, Swiss Films
Kellie-Shandra Ognimba Human Rights Officer for the Anti-Racial Discrimination Section,
Nicole Biermaier Head Swiss Distribution, First Hand Films
Moderated by
Patricia Finneran Impact Fund Officer, the StoryBoard Collective