C’est assez bien d’être fou: tribune to Zoo Project

Bilal Berreni, aka Zoo Project, cartoonist and street artist, died in July 2013 at the age of 23. He became known for his striking murals in Tunis, depicting the martyrs of the Tunisian revolution amid the Arab Spring. His desire to give his creations a social dimension led him to Detroit, where he was murdered. In 2018, a vast tribute to Zoo Project was organised with the release of the film C'est assez bien d'être fou by Antoine Page, wherein Bilal Berreni and Antoine Page embark on an artistic journey towards Siberia, in the form of a road movie in drawings and video.
Sunday 6 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
Co-presented with Espace 51 /Galerie LIGNEtreize
Pauline Deutsch Filmmaker and program coordinator at the FIFDH
Antoine Page Filmmaker and director of the documentary C'est assez bien d'être fou
Moderated by
Tewfik Hakem Producer of Affinités culturelles and Esprit des lieux, France Culture