SCREENING On the road to integration

In the form of 8 episodes (4 Vaud, 4 Geneva - 5 minutes each) lasting a total of 50 minutes, Sur les chemins de l'intégration is a feature film in which Adiba, Ahmad, Sébastien and Zahra discover integration programmes for refugees in French-speaking Switzerland. To do so, they meet the project leaders and other refugees. They take a sensitive, enthusiastic and sometimes critical look at these programmes, allowing the audience to better understand the reality of these women and men, but also to grasp the means most likely to reinforce their integration. An intimate and enlightening dive into a world still largely unknown to the public. The screening will be followed by a round table discussion with the IBE and the Hospice General on the issue of migration, integration and solutions for integration.
Sunday 13 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
free on reservation
Presented by the Act On Your Future Foundation, produced by Nous Prod in partnership with the Hospice général, EVAM, CSIR, BIE and BCI.
Isabelle Gattiker General and artistic director of the FIFDH
Keyvan Ghavami