Archives - Program 2020
Grand Genève et Suisse romande
Confignon : Made in Bangladesh

18:30 opening of the bar
19:30 projection
21:00 discussion about the textile industry and its issues
Drinks will be offered afterwards by the Municipality
Thursday 12 March
Aula de l'école de Confignon
Vanessa Monney Secrétaire syndicale au syndicat des services publics (SSP).
Xenya Cherny Scanlon Expert in sustainable luxury and fashion
This debat is preceded by the movie:
Made in Bangladesh
By Rubaiyat Hossain

Shimu, 23, works in a garment factory on the outskirts of Dhaka. Faced with increasingly harsh working conditions, she decides to form a trade union. Regardless of the management's threats and disagreement of the husbands: together, the female workers decide to go through with it. The young director Rubaiyat Hossain accurately depicts both the difficult conditions in which our clothes are made and the boundless courage of these women. Based on a true story, the film is carried by admirable performances.
Section Competition - Fiction
- Director(s)
- Rubaiyat Hossain
- Writer(s)
- Philippe Barrière & Rubaiyat Hossain
- Rikita Shimu
- Novera Rahman
- Parvin Paru
- Deepanwita Martin
- Mayabi Maya
World sales
- Pyramide International
- Les films de l’après-midi
- Sabine Lancelin
- Elisha Albert
- Jacques Pedersen
- Tin Soheili
- Raphaëlle Martin-Olger
- Sujan Mahmud
- Duration
- 95'
- Production country
- Qatar, Portugal & Afghanistan
- Status
- Swiss Premiere