Archives - Program 2019
Impact day 2019

How to produce committed documentaries? How can we shape stories that transcend our perceptions of the world? What allies can be found to make these projects a reality and strengthen their impact? For the first time, the FIFDH is offering a programme specially designed for professionals in the audiovisual industry: exclusive meetings with our guests, conferences and networking opportunities. The highlight of this programme, the "IMPACT DAY" is a unique occasion during which filmmakers, NGOs, entrepreneurs and philanthropists can exchange ideas and discover alternative partners and new funding opportunities. An event that provides the keys to creating documentary films with a real impact on the contemporary world.
9.30 – Introduction
9.45 – A Crash course on creating strategic impact through the power of documentary films
Laura Longobardi, Head of Partnerships, FIFDH
10.00 – Film case studies : Working with NGOs to have a successful impact with your film
Weapon of war/ fighting the silence, Ilse van Velzen, Director, Producer & Impact Producer, NL
#387, Valérie Montmartin, Producer at Little Big Story, and Madeleine Leroyer, Film Director, FR
11.00 – The organizations' perspective
Mary Werntz, Deputy Director of Operations, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Laurent Sauveur, Chief of External relations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights)
11.20 – What do funders want?
David Kollnert, Project Manager - The Swedish Postcode Foundation, Sweden
Nina Spataru, Programme Associate, International Human Rights Programme - OAK Foundation, UK
Kristina Johansson, Director, Solberga Foundation, UK
Ilse van Velzen, Director, Producer and Impact Producer, NL
Céline Broeckaert, Impact Producer, BE
12.30 – Networking Lunch
14.00 – Pre-arranged one-to-one meetings between organizations and producers/filmmakers
17.00 - 18.30 – Cocktail and Impact Day Award announcement
Thursday 14 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
Co-presented with Doc Society and Suissimage, in collaboration with AROPA and Fonction: cinéma