Programme for changemakers
FIFDH Impact Day
Films can be effective tools to strengthen human rights movements and create social and environmental change. When strategically used, they can enhance the work of NGOs, international organisations, foundations, philanthropists and all those involved in human rights and climate justice advocacy and activities in the field.

Since its launch in 2019, the industry programme of the FIFDH, the Impact Day, proposes a special session for changemakers wishing to learn more about how to use films as tools for action and social change.
On Tuesday 9 March 2021, the FIFDH Impact Day organised in partnership with Movies that Matter the webinar Films for change: It’s time to upgrade your changemaking toolbox!
Thanks to visionary changemaking leaders and non-for-profit organizations having successfully used films in their actions and campaigns, through this session you will discover the power of films as effective tools and learn why engaging with films will contribute to effectively advancing the causes you care and advocate for.
Webinar - Tuesday 9 March
It's time to upgrade your changemaking toolbox!
- Laura Longobardi, Head of Impact Day and Partnerships, FIFDH
- Margje De Koning, Artistic Director, Movies that Matter
12:40 | FILMS FOR CHANGE - How the use of storytelling can improve the action of human rights organisations
- Cara Mertes, Project Director, Moving Image Strategies, International Programs, Ford Foundation
13:00 | CASE STUDY – THANK YOU FOR THE RAIN - A fruitful collaboration between filmmakers and NGOs from local to global
- Julia Dahr, Film Director
- Emily Wanja, Impact campaigns Producer
- Julie Rødje, Leader, Spire
- Sharon Kibor, Resilience Officer, Christian Aid
- moderated by Margje De Koning, Artistic Director, Movies that Matter
The 2021 FIFDH Impact Day is organised in collaboration with:
With the support of: