Matching Grants for impact campaigns by the StoryBoard Collective
Impact Days 2023
Partnering with FIFDH, the StoryBoard Collective developed a Matching Grant programme for documentary teams who participated in the 2023 Impact Days Edition.
StoryBoard supports authentic and community-focused documentaries and the impact projects they generate. The goal is to amplify the impact projects by facilitating dedicated funding. The StoryBoard grants will match any funding that has been possible thanks to the FIFDH Impact Days network sessions (see conditions below*). StoryBoard has met and will continue to meet all the documentary teams and remain available for support towards funding and will match grants once agreed with impact campaign funders.
The StoryBoard Collective is a recently-launched initiative of a Geneva-based philanthropic Foundation. StoryBoard supports storytellers from historically excluded communities and gives them the opportunity and tools to tell their story, their history, their identity, in their own way, to the rest of the world. StoryBoard supports two types of storytelling: non-fiction (documentary impact campaigns) and fiction (episodic scriptwriters).
The case for impact campaigns: some documentary films can have a strong impact when they are used as tools by community groups or social movements to raise awareness and effect change around social issues. Accountable, targeted impact projects led by professional impact producers is a growing field yielding powerful results. The growth of this impact space is an exciting evolution for documentary filmmakers and the industry in general but the resources dedicated to it are still nascent. The StoryBoard Matching Grant programme is seeking to galvanize this industry.
Follow StoryBoard:
- Matching funding generated through the FIFDH-Impact Days networking during the 2023 edition
- Up to 10'000 CHF per impact project
- Up to 50'000 CHF in matching grants over 12 months
- Matching grants attributed on a first-come-first-served basis