Decolonial ecology

Today, environmental issues are present in all minds, in all political parties, so that ecology seems to be almost a new consensus. Yet, as Malcolm Ferdinand writes, "In the face of the ecological storm, we are all in the same boat, but not in the same conditions." The destruction of biodiversity, the depletion of resources and climate disasters do not affect people in the same way. Faced with these diverse experiences, a single narrative is a non-starter. What visions of ecology dominate today? By whom and for whom are they produced? And above all, what experiences and practices are rendered invisible?
It is essential to address political, class, racial and gender issues in order to move beyond the dominant view, and to envision an ecological preservation that concerns all people living on our planet.
Followed by a book signing by Myriam Bahaffou at the Festival café, in partnership with Payot Librairie.
Wednesday 15 March
Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle
sold out - in case of cancellation, tickets will be put back on sale before the screening
Followed by the debate "Decolonial ecology"
English / French
In partnership with the Agenda 21 - Sustainable City Service
Cannelle Fourdrinier Environmental activist, co-director of the film "Décolonisons l'écologie"
Myriam Bahaffou PhD student in philosophy and feminist studies at the University of Picardie Jules Verne and the University of Ottawa, antispeciesist and decolonial ecofeminist activist
Vandana Shiva Indian writer and ecofeminist, alternative Nobel Prize in 1993
Moderated by
Pamela Ohene-Nyako PhD Research assistant - Contemporary History Unit (UNIGE), founder of Afrolitt'
This debat is preceded by the movie:
Holding Up The Sky
By Pieter Van Eecke

The tropical rainforest is disappearing, the Earth is warming up and gold miners are polluting rivers. When Brazilian president Bolsonaro announces that industries can settle in the Amazon onYanomami territory, Davi Kopenawa and his son Dario take their fight to an international level to defend their land against the invaders. A poetic and alarming story about deforestation and the fight against global warming, accompanied by sumptuous images.
Section Competition - Focus
Original language(s) Portuguese & Yanomami
Subtitle(s) English & French
Latin AmericaEnvironnementTechnology
- Director(s)
- Pieter Van Eecke
- Writer(s)
- Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, Dario Vitório Kopenawa Yanomami & Pieter Van Eecke
- Hanne Phlypo
- Hasse Van Nunen
- Sérgio Andrade
- Renko Douze
- An De Winter
- Johan Legraie
- David Poltrock
- Félix Blume
- Sabrina Calmels
- Emmanuel De Boissieu
- Dieter Diependaele
- Duration
- 80'
- Year
- 2023
- Production country
- Belgium, Netherlands & Brazil
- Status
- World Premiere