Impact Days Tuesday session

No Fire Zone: the Killing Fields of Sri Lanka
Speaker: Callum Macrae, Film Director
‘When Impact Met Distribution’ Sketch Show
Beadie Finzi
Nicole Van Shaik
Naomi Walker
Introducing impact production's global players: GIPA and Impact Social Club
Panel Discussion
Impact and youngsters: how to best reach younger audiences with impact campaigns?
Laura Verduijn
Els Van Driel
Moderated by Margje de Koning
AFTERNOON SESSION - 14.30 to 17.30 :
Impact Production Matchmaking Session
Are you a filmmaker looking for the right impact producer to run your campaign? Are you an impact producer looking for the next project to get involved with? Here's where you'll find your perfect match. A networking session to match filmmakers and impact producers, and find the best team to run a successful campaign!
>>> Industry and Day Pass holders must register for this session by writing to us at:
Tuesday 8 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
This session is for Industry and Day Pass holders only. You can buy your Day Pass here, or use the codes on your Industry Pass to register and reserve your seat (click on basket above for both options)
Callum Macrae Film director No Fire Zone: the Killing Fields of Sri Lanka
Beadie Finzi Director at Doc Society
Nicole Van Schaik Director of Development at Doc Society
Naomi Walker Global coordinator at Global Impact Producer Assembly (GIPA)
Laura Verduijn Producer Shadow Game
Eefje Blankevoort Co-director Shadow Game
Margje De Koning Artistic Director at Movies that Matter
Moderated by
Laura Longobardi Head of Impact and Industry at FIFDH
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