ROUND TABLE Think & Drink : conversation with Lobna Jeribi

Think & Drink are monthly afterworks organised by Foraus, during which a guest speaks and opens an informal discussion over a drink. The March edition is organised in partnership with the FIFDH. More than ten years after the Tunisian revolution, what analysis can be made of the democratic transition that has taken place? How has governance evolved, and what impacts are visible on the economic and social development of the country? Lobna Jeribi, former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and member of the first democratically elected assembly in 2011, will share her experiences within the state sector as well as her knowledge of the non-governmental sector, as president of the think tank Solidar Tunisia, which aims to evaluate and improve public policies in the country.
Tuesday 8 March
Free admission
Presented by Foraus
Lobna Jeribi Tunisian politician, member of the Constitutional Assembly of 2011