The Earth is Blue as an Orange
By Iryna Tsilyk
An explosion far away. Anna and her four children live in the war zone of Donbass, Ukraine. Their shared project: to make a film about what they have experienced and about their daily life in this destroyed city. They turn the living room into a studio and asked the soldiers to sit in front of the camera. The result is a moving documentary about life on the margins of peace and security.
- Section Films thématiques
- Original language(s) Ukrainian
- Subtitle(s) French
Eastern EuropeHumanitarianJustice
- Director(s)
- Iryna Tsilyk
- Albatros Communicos Film Production
- Moonmakers
World sales
- Cat & Docs
- Viacheslav Tsvietkov
- Jonas Maksvytis
- Iryna Tsilyk
- Ivan Bannikov
- Duration
- 73'
- Year
- 2020
- Production country
- Ukraine
Monday 7 March
Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle
Thursday 10 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre