La Finance lave plus vert
By Matteo Born & Romain Girard
Since autumn 2019, a green wave has been sweeping across Europe. The climate issues raised by Greta Thunberg and the thousands of protesters are bringing a new, younger, female generation to power, promising to shake up the climate-sceptic old guard. A wind of change anticipated by banks and public institutions, who for some years now have been shifting to “sustainable finance”. Following the financial crisis and repeated tax scandals, an opportunity to improve its image has presented itself for the banking sector.
Co-presented with the RTS
- Section Thematic Films
- Original language(s) French & English
- Subtitle(s) French
- Director(s)
- Matteo Born & Romain Girard
- Writer(s)
- François Pilet Et Marie Maurisse
- Point Prod
- Temps Présent
- Henri Michiels
- Gaëlle Degallaix
- Duration
- 52'
- Year
- 2022
- Production country
- Switzerland & France
- Status
- World Premiere
Wednesday 9 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
Followed by the debate Co-presented with RTS and Public Eye.