Archives - Program 2020


Youth for climate change : a generation standing alone on the front line ?

Young people have been taking to the streets for the past 2 years, exposing political inaction towards the climate emergency. How and why has this citizens' revolt succeeded in influencing the global political agenda?

Discussion to follow in livestream on
Movements such as the Climate Strike, launched by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg in 2018, have rapidly gained momentum and global resonance. For the first time, these mobilisations have given a voice to young people, who until then had not been taken seriously in public debate. Those most closely concerned by the climate issue have thus become central players in the debate. Driven by a sense of urgency, how can these spontaneous movements now evolve?
The documentary Youth For Climate follows the daily life of young people from the Belgian organisation of the global youth movement who set up a strike at school to demand tangible measures in the fight against climate change.

ClimateYouthGrassroot Mov.

Thursday 12 March


Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle

Co-presented with TV5Monde and Alternatiba Léman


Océane Dayer Founder of Swiss Youth for Climate

Bernard Burnand Public health physician committed to the climate, member of Grandparents for the climate

Anuna De Wever Belgian Flemish climate activist, creator of the Belgian Youth for Climate movement, protagonist in Youth for Climate

Moderated by

Aurélie Cuttat Journalist, RTS

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Thematic film

Pano: Youth For Climate

By Sarah Sylbing

For a few months, teenagers all over the world have been skipping school to fight for a more robust climate policy. This has brought them a lot of media attention and international followers, but also negative reactions. In just a few weeks’ time, they make international headlines. We follow the founders of Belgian organization Youth for Climate and meet their biggest inspiration Greta Thunberg in Brussels.

  • Section Thematic film

ClimatJeunesMouv. citoyens

Sarah Sylbing

World sales

  • Dutch CORE


  • VRT
Production country