Archives - Program 2020
Call Me Intern
By Nathalie Berger & Leo David Hyde

In 2015, Geneva is stunned by the case of David Hyde, an unpaid UN intern who slept in a tent on the shores of Lake Léman: a scandal with global reverberations. A cleverly-orchestrated publicity stunt to demonstrate the injustice suffered by Millennials, sometimes forced to work for years without any pay. From within international Geneva, the two filmmakers set up an implacable investigation into a worldwide system that puts young people in a precarious position, afflicted by what can only be called a perfectly legal form of modern slavery.
12th and 14th of March : in presence of the directors
Section Competition - Grand reportage
- Director(s)
- Nathalie Berger & Leo David Hyde
- Laure Gabus
- Antonio Laforgia
- Duration
- 67'
- Year
- 2019
- Production country
- Morocco
Sunday 8 March
Grütli - Salle Langlois
Thursday 12 March
Salle communale du Petit-Lancy (Lancy)
Saturday 14 March
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre