Archives - Program 2019


Thirty Years On: Let the Web Serve Humanity

Thirty years after the creation of the web, an assessment is needed: Who can really access information?

The evening will begin with an interview with Tim Berners-Lee, co-inventor of the web, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its creation. In October 2018, he announced that he was taking a break from his activities at MIT to focus on "the evolution of the Web to restore its balance - by giving each of us complete control over data, personal or not, in a revolutionary way". He will then present to us Solid, his new decentralized web project.

Following a speech by Mr. Sami Kanaan on his year as digital mayor, the panel will address the issue of access to knowledge. How can we make information free in order to advance collective wisdom? How can the Internet recover its initial role in the democratization of information?

The documentary Hackers for Freedom highlights the power of industries over information and knowledge and opens the discussion to alternative paths.
The debate will be held in English with simultaneous French translation.

MediaGrassroots movementsDigital and innovation

Monday 11 March


Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre

Co-presented with Le Temps, the CERN, the Yves and Inez Oltramare Foundation and the Geneva Airport


Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of the World Wide Web

Sami Kanaan Mayor of Geneva


Alexandra Elbakyan Developer of Sci-Hub (by videoconference)

Thomas Maillart Senior Lecturer at the University of Geneva, President of Open Geneva

Personne TBC Participant to the "Hackathon for Human Rights"

Moderated by

Bruno Giussani Global Curator of the TED Conferences and Chairman of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH)

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Film thématique

Hackers for freedom

By Philippe Borrel

An Arte film
Computing has now infiltrated almost all human activities. Has it contributed to making us more self-reliant? Or has it turned us into passive consumers of what has become a total market? Behind this global but landless battle, there is something essential at stake: the ability to ensure that these technologies serve the common good rather than benefit a happy few. From India to the US and Europe, this documentary reaches out to public figures of the still marginal world of free software.

  • Section Film thématique

JournalistsGrassroot Mov.Digital

Philippe Borrel


  • Jérémy Zelnik
  • Tancrède Ramomnet


  • Temps noir
Production country