Archives - Program 2019


Ebola Outbreaks: The Viruses of Global Health Governance

How can we prevent the spread of haemorrhagic viruses such as Ebola within a divided and weakened Global Health system that only seems to respond when West is threatened?

The epidemic potential of diseases such as Ebola has revealed not only the weaknesses of national health systems, but also the gaps in the World Health Organization, fragmented and dominated by Western countries’ internal security priorities rather than by a comprehensive approach to public health management. Finally, conflict and political instability prevent the establishment of credible national public health surveillance networks and the ability to control global epidemic threats. Faced with these constraints, how can we create a fair and equal global health policy? Survivors offers an immersion experience at the heart of the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone in 2014, revealing the complexity of a deeply political and social outbreak.
This event will be held in English.


Friday 15 March


Maison de la Paix

Co-presented with the Graduate Institute and Doctors Without Borders (MSF)


Joanne Liu International President of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Annie Sparrow Paediatric intensivist and Global Health specialist, Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine

Arthur Pratt Film Director

Moderated by

Ilona Kickbusch Director of the Global Health Centre, IHEID

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Competition - Grand reportage


By Arthur Pratt, Anna Fitch, Banker White & Lansana (Barmmy Boy) Mansaray

A collective of filmmakers in Sierra Leone followed the everyday lives of a group of emergency workers during the Ebola crisis of 2014. Highlighting the contribution of African nationals in solving this crisis, this compelling film features courageous individuals against the backdrop of a country that is still far from stable after years of civil war.

  • Section Competition - Grand reportage


Arthur Pratt, Anna Fitch, Banker White & Lansana (Barmmy Boy) Mansaray


  • Banker White
  • Anna Fitch
  • Arthur Pratt
  • Lansana (Barmmy Boy) Mansaray
  • Sara Dosa
  • Samantha Grant

World sales

  • First Hand Films
Swiss Premiere