Impact Day 2019
The FIFDH Impact Day brings together filmmakers, producers, NGOs and founders with a goal: use documentary films as a tool for social change.

The first edition of the FIFDH Impact Day was held on 14 March 2019 in Geneva.
Programme of the Impact Day 2019
Watch the plenary session of Impact Day 2019
- #387, directed by Madeleine Leroyer. Produced by Little Big Stories (France).
- As I Want, directed by Samaher Alqadi. Produced by Prophecy Films (Egypt), Idiom Films (Palestina) and Temps noir (France).
- At The Origin of the Rohingya’s Tragedy, directed by Olga Prud’homme Farges. Produced by Mélisandre Films (France).
- Distant Thud In The Jungle, directed by Céline Rouzet. Produced by Les Films d’Ici (France).
- For They Know Not What They Do, directed by Daniel Karslake. Produced by Daniel Karslake (United States, Germany).
- Lost Childhood, directed by David Wachsmann. Produced by Gum Films (Israel).
- Mars, directed by Dea Gjinovci. Produced by Alva Films (Switzerland, France, Sweden).
- Pandora’s Box, directed by Zhao Liang. Produced by Les Films d’Ici (France, Hong-Kong)
- Rape In War: The Poisoned Weapon, directed by Danièle Alet. Produced by Terranoa (France).
- Riders of Destiny, directed by Michael Niermann. Produced by Seventyonefilms / 7T1 Media GmbH (Germany, Indonesia).
- Rol & Rol, directed by Chus Gutiérrez. Produced by Turanga Films (Spain).
- Sisterhood, directed by Maxime Faure. Produced by Les Films du Balibari (France, Canada).
- Skiing in Scarves, directed by Haidy Kancler. Produced by Studio Virc (Slovenia, Finland, Austria).
- Walk With Angels, directed by Tomasz Wysokiński. Produced by Mañana (Poland).
- Walking On Water, directed by Aïssa Maïga. Produced by Bonne Pioche (France).
- War Crime Dealers, by Alexandra Jousset. Produced by CAPA (France).
- Where are you, directed by Jésus Garces Lambert. Produced by Marco Visalberghi and Silvia Sherin Salvetti / Doc Lab (Italy).