Lettres ouvertes
Tuesday, May 30th 2023 - 7pm
Centre de quartier de l'Étang. Allée des Nénuphars 6, 1219 Châtelaine
Screening of the film Lettres ouvertes by Katharine Dominicé in partnership with the commune of Vernier and the Hospice Général.
From 1931 to 2002, Switzerland issued some six million seasonal residence permits, known as "A" permits, to immigrant workers. This status imposed drastic rules on the workers: they were not allowed to bring their families, and their stay in Switzerland was limited to nine months per year.
In a series of open letters, former seasonal workers and their children tell of the impact this system had on their lives. This impact remains palpable and its disclosure questions the strange indifference of the Swiss towards these human beings dedicated to building their country while remaining invisible.
Free screening with free admission, followed by a discussion and an aperitif