
PERFORMANCE | Creation and reading of poems by Carmen Campo Real | 11-18 March

From 11-18 March at the Flux Laboratory – 5 Rue de la Muse, 1205 Geneva. Every night at 18:30.

Carte blanche to the poetess Carmen Campo Real. A personal interpretation of a theme, a film, a guest, captured during a day of the FIFDH.

Here are the themes addressed:
- Saturday 11.03: femicides
- Sunday 12.03: incest
- Monday 13.03: torture
- Wednesday 14.04: the pillaging of private data
- Thursday 15.04: disability
- Friday 16.04: climate change
- Saturday 17.04: the law of war

Art & EngagementWomen*

Thursday 16 March


Flux Laboratory – 5, Rue de la Muse

free entrance
