Growing up and living among the able-bodied
Ableism is discrimination based on disability. Behind this term lies a crucial look at the ingrained prejudice among able-bodied people that their absence of disability, or their good health, gives them a more enviable position than that of people with disabilities. Disability is systematically perceived as suffering, a catastrophe, or even a curse. Switzerland regularly faces the wrath of the UN in its implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), despite ratifying it in 2014. People living with a disability, whether physical or mental, visible or invisible, are rarely recognised as full members of our society. In all areas, from access to education and employment, to access to language and the expression of one's civil rights, the challenges are enormous.
How can things be changed? Perhaps by shifting our perspective and considering disability not as a condition but as one of the many dimensions of human diversity.
Thursday 16 March
Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle
sold out - in case of cancellation, tickets will be put back on sale before the screening
This screening will be provided with a subtitles reading. The debate will be translated in French Sign Language. Followed by the debate "Growing up and living among the able-bodied"
In partnership with the Pro Victimis Foundation
Charlotte Puiseux PhD in philosophy, author and anti-ableism activist
Ella Glendining Director of the film "Is There Anybody Out There?"
Céline Witschard Founder of "Vision Positive", pioneer of accessible communication in Switzerland, visually impaired at birth
Moderated by
Malick Reinhard Journalist and producer, RTS, Mondame Productions
This debat is preceded by the movie:
Competition - Creative documentaries
Is There Anybody Out There?
By Ella Glendining

Born with a disability so rare that no reliable statistics on it exist, filmmaker Ella Glendinning asks if there is anyone who could share the experiences of living in a body like hers. This question, which non-disabled people so often take for granted, leads her to meet others who live as she does, and also to realise that their meeting changes the way she sees herself in the wider world. Combining diaries, conversations with her family, with doctors and with people living with the same disability, "Is There Anybody Out There?" makes the audience reflect. Shouldn't society adapt to the multiplicity of personalities and bodies?
Section Competition - Creative documentaries
Original language(s) English
Subtitle(s) French
- Director(s)
- Ella Glendining
World sales
- Autlook Filmsales
- Hot Property Fillms
- Annemarie Lean-Vercoe
- Erland Cooper
- Rachel Roberts
- Duration
- 84'
- Year
- 2023
- Production country
- United Kingdom
- Status
- Swiss Premiere