Grande traversée

Dakar and Geneva united in one giant graffiti created live

First stop of our great journey in the footsteps of women conquering the public space, Senegalese graffiti artist Zeinixx visits Geneva where she will create a fresco on a large wall together with two Geneva artists, Amikal and Nadia Seika. During the Semaine de l'égalité and in the framework of the 19th edition of the FIFDH, they will together create a joint work which will question the place of women in our cities, feeding from their different backgrounds but connected universes.

Dieynaba Sidibé, alias Zeinixx, fights through graffiti, unless it's the other way around, graffitiing through her struggles, because intervening in the streets of Dakar where street art is first and foremost a men's affair is already a political act: she breaks "men's codes" and imposes her feminist demands. Her coming to Geneva is also a story of friendship, because she will meet Nadia Seika, whom she met several times in Senegal, as an artistic partner. The latter explores gender issues through the portrayal of faces, especially those of women. This translates on walls as large portraits of personalities known for their commitment to equality, decolonisation or anti-racism. Amikal, the third artist, proposes brightly coloured works that begin a story and whose messages emerge in a subversive way, in a style closer to the manga tradition.

An ongoing artwork to discover in front of the HUG, at the crossroads of rue Lombard and rue Emile-Yung.

AfriqueFemmes*Art & Engagement

Monday 8 March


Carrefour Rue Lombard - Rue Emile-Yung

Co-presented with Service Agenda 21 – Ville durable de la Ville de Genève in the context of the Semaine de l’égalité 2021, titled “Elle-x-s sont dans la place !”, in collaboration with the Service de la jeunesse (SEJ) de la Ville de Genève and le Service Voirie – Ville propre


Dieynaba Sidibé Senegal's first female graffiti artist

Amaëlle Mischler

Nadia Seika