Program 2021

Événement partenaire

"Entrer dans la couleur" - A concert-fiction by Alain Damasio and Yan Péchin

Gathered on stage, the writer and the guitar-hero bring the metal of words and notes to the point of incandescence. More than a show, an initiation to the world to come.

At the mic and the pen: Alain Damasio, the cult French science-fiction author, three-time winner of the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire, who in just two novels - "La Horde du Contrevent" and "Les Furtifs" - has exceeded 500,000 readers and won over audiences and critics alike. A politically committed figure, here he sings and screams his physical and "poethical" writing, full of assonances and rhythmic echoes, he makes his taste for stealth and about turns in the face of this society of control that traces us while making us feel secure in order to anaesthetise us in our "technocons". Alongside him, Yan Péchin, Alain Bashung's brilliant guitarist. Together, the duo brings to life Alain Damasio's chiselled lyrics, pushing us to come out of our resignation to dive into colour, into the living.

Art & Engagement

Sunday 7 March


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Co-presented with the Numerik Games festival and the Maison d'Ailleurs Benno Besson Theatre, Yverdon-les-Bains