Impact Days

The power of collectivity to #DigUpTheTruth with To See You Again (Volverte a Ver)

Case Study

While Lina, Angy and Edith were searching for their disappeared daughters and relatives in Morelos, Mexico, they discovered that the District Attorney secretly buried the bodies of over 200 people murdered during a failed war against crime, which actually targeted civilians. Volverte a Ver (Carolina Corral, Mexico 2020) follows their training in forensic tasks and their participation in the exhumation of the bodies, so that the disappeared can return home.

The impact campaign #DesenterrarLaVerdad (Dig up the truth) has focused on supporting the women’s search and fight to identify and return home the bodies of their missing loved ones and on sparking fundamental conversations in Mexico to stop the normalization of missing persons there.

Amérique LatineJusticeProgramme professionnel

lundi 13 mars


Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre

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Michelle Plascencia Productrice d'impact, coordinatrice régionale, GIPA, Mexique