Impact Days

From global to local: the STEPS approach to impact in the African continent

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STEPS is a non-profit media organization based in South Africa, passionate about the power of documentaries to disrupt, shift and move the world around us. Their diverse projects use documentary film to engage audiences around issues of social justice in order to affect meaningful change, and give a voice to marginalized and disadvantaged communities in order to enable local and global conversations around the most important topics of our times.

AfriqueEnjeux sociauxProgramme professionnel

lundi 13 mars


Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre

Pour accéder à tous les événements des Impact Days, vous devez posséder un Industry Pass ou un Industry Daily Pass. Cliquez sur le panier pour plus d’informations.


Don Edkins Directeur exécutif, STEPS, Afrique du Sud

Tiny Mungwe Productrice de Generation Africa, STEPS, Afrique du Sud