Meet the Global Changemakers

Meet your future impact partners!
A selection of NGOs and international organisations based in and around Geneva present their priority issues and exchange with filmmakers interested in similar themes. Confirmed so far: ICRC, MSF, FIDH, Aide et Action, Caritas, Civicus, FIACAT, Helvetas, Forum Asia, Iamaneh, ISHR, IUCN, Earth Justice, Trial International, SOS Méditerranée,WEF Global Shapers and WEF Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship (watch this space as we update the list)
>>> Industry and Day Pass holders must register for this session by writing to us at: Please tell us what themes you are interested in or working on and give us your questions for so we can communicate them in advance
lundi 7 mars
Espace Pitoëff - Le Promenoir
Industry and Day Pass holders must register for this session by writing to us at: Please tell us what themes you are interested in or working on and give us your questions so we can communicate them in advance.