Archives - Program 2019


The Best Men Can Be?

Misogyny, rape culture, homophobia, calls to violence or repression of emotions: How can we fight against toxic masculinity?

Approaching gender through the prism of masculinities is first of all about questioning the dominant male identity –which is predominantly white–, virility and patriarchy, and thus defy a whole system of domination that is further exacerbated by race or social class. From media influences to social and family pressures, myths about masculinity are persistent. In the context of feminist and LGBT+ currents and movements such as #MeToo, how can we redefine what it means to be a man? Furthermore, how can we include them in a reflection on the notions of privilege and relationships of domination?

La Virilité (Manhood), by Cécile Denjean, gives the floor to several men and women to discuss their relationship to masculinities and femininities, and to explore some new models for building gender identity.
The debate will be held in French with simultaneous English translation.


Monday 11 March


Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle

Co-presented by the Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Geneva and Service Agenda 21 – Ville durable of the City of Geneva


Mélissa Blais Sociologist specializing in Antifeminism, University of Québec in Montréal

Lénaïg Bredoux Journalist at Mediapart

João Gabriell Guadeloupian and Panafricain activist, Author of Le Blog de João


Cécile Denjean Film Director

Moderated by

Sébastien Chauvin Associate Professor at the Centre for Gender Studies, University of Lausanne

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Compétition - Grand reportage


By Cécile Denjean

Say the word "virility" and listen to men respond. What do they think? By valuing strength, muscle, power and violence, the masculine ideology has condemned men to repress their emotions and despise femininity. But what if they too were victims of virility? How can we put an end to the idea of ​​the “real man" that erodes our societies and our political systems?

  • Section Compétition - Grand reportage


Cécile Denjean


  • Patrice LORTON

World sales

  • Capa Presse


  • Capa Presse
Production country
World Premiere