Archives - Program 2019

Autour d'un film

Uncommon Trials: The Trial of Ratko Mladić

Evening produced by the FIFDH and the Faculty of Law of the UNIGE, as part of the "Uncommon trials" trilogy.

Twenty years ago, Europe discovered the shocking images of concentration camps and mass graves in the former Yugoslavia. In 2012, the international trial of the Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladić, accused of having led the siege of Sarajevo and being responsible for the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, begins in The Hague. Shot over five years, this film takes us behind the scenes of the trial.


Thursday 14 March


Grütli - Salle Simon

Discussion en français et anglais

Co-presented with the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and Lawyers Without Borders


Gilbert Bitti Senior Legal Adviser, Pre-Trial Division, International Criminal Court

Peter McCloskey Co-Senior Trial Attorney in the Mladic Trial, ICTY

Alexis Demirdjian Prosecutor's Office, ICTY and ICC

Moderated by

Sévane Garibian FNS Professor, Faculty of Law, UNIGE

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Compétition - Grand reportage

The Trial of Ratko Mladić

By Henry Singer & Robert Miller

What is the purpose of international justice? And who does it serve? In 2012, The Hague hosts the historic trial of General Ratko Mladić, the man responsible for the siege of Sarajevo and the genocide in Srebrenica. Over the course of five years, the filmmakers undertook a monumental task, based on hundreds of hours of footage with the victims, the prosecution, but also Mladić's lawyers and relatives. A dense and powerful film, which raises profoundly contemporary questions. 

  • Section Compétition - Grand reportage


Henry Singer & Robert Miller

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