
Iran, a crackdown behind closed doors

On September 16th 2022, the young Iranian woman Jina Mahsa Amini died after being detained by the "morality police". Her death triggered demonstrations throughout the country that continue to this day. The regime responded with a fierce crackdown that left dozens dead and thousands imprisoned. In an attempt to curb the protest movement, the Iranian "justice" system pronounced several death sentences, some of which have already been carried out. Although news from within Iran is difficult to obtain, this internal uprising has also galvanised new efforts outside the country. In recent years, expatriate Iranians have engaged in political activism to demand action from the international community and are broadcasting news from Iran to the rest of the world. This activism is not without its dangers, both for the activists and for their family members in Iran.

Meet and discover some of them during the Festival.

ActivismLiberties & DemocracyMiddle East

Saturday 18 March


Espace Pitoëff - Grande salle

sold out - in case of cancellation, tickets will be put back on sale before the screening

Followed by the debate "Iran, a crackdown behind closed doors"

English / French

In partnership with Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International


Sahar Dehghan

Moderated by

Karine Vasarino International correspondent and radio host at the RTS

This debat is preceded by the movie:

Compétition - Documentaire de création

Seven Winters in Tehran

By Steffi Niederzoll

Nineteen-year-old Reyhaney Jabbari is convicted of the murder of the man who attempted to rape her. Using secretly filmed images and letters written from prison, this powerful and moving film traces the struggle of a family to save their daughter.  It takes us into the heart of a corrupt criminal justice system that resonates painfully with the current situation of planned hangings. Through her courage, dignity and commitment, Reyhaney is one of the symbols of resistance and the struggle for women's rights in Iran.

Compass-Perspektive-Award - Berlinale 2023

  • Section Competition - Creative documentaries
  • Original language(s) Farsi
  • Subtitle(s) English & French

ActivismeWomen*Proche & Moyen-Orient

Steffi Niederzoll


  • Melanie Andernach
  • Knut Losen


  • Julia Daschner


  • Flemming Nordkrog


  • César Fernández Borrás
  • Andreas Hildebrandt
  • Jocelyn Robert


  • Nicole Kortlüke
Production country
Germany & France
Swiss Premiere